Thursday, January 31, 2013

Did you know this…?

Coca-Cola and other soda giants add artificial colors to their products to attract children and adults to fake sweetened drinks that provide minimal nutrition, if any.
Adding artificial colors contributes to the obesity epidemic because it gets people addicted to unhealthy sugar-laden products.
Additionally the caramel coloring used by Coca-Cola and other soda giants like Pepsi is completely artificial. This caramel color is manufactured by heating ammonia and sulfites under high pressure, which creates carcinogenic compounds. A high dose of this known carcinogen is proven to cause liver tumors, lung tumors, and thyroid tumors in rats and mice.
In 2011 when the Center for Science in the Public Interest released a study that found dangerous levels of caramel coloring could be contributing to many types of cancers, it prompted Coca-Cola and Pepsi to quickly change their formulas so they didn’t have to include a cancer warning label on their products in California. Even after the reformulation many of their products still contain caramel coloring in smaller amounts.
I stopped drinking all sodas last year, and I feel fairly certain this contributed to my significant weight loss, not to mention lower blood pressure that allowed me to discontinue my blood pressure medication. I tried a sip of Diet Dr. Pepper recently just to see what it would taste like after a long absence, and it felt like I swallowed chemicals that burned my throat.
I just thought you ought to know what’s in your soda.

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